
RBI's January Safety Champion, Larry Dean.

Safety Champion – Larry Dean

January 25, 2024
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Congratulations to our January Safety Champion, Larry Dean! Larry was nominated for consistently practicing good safe work habits and always wearing his PPE.

Donations from the Brent Berry Annual Food Drive

Brent Berry Food Drive

January 1, 2024

Thank you to everyone who brought in donation items to support the Brent Berry annual food drive! The organization was very excited to receive our items, which filled two vehicles this year! We are very proud of the success of this event and excited about the impact these items will have on those in need.…

RBI's 2023 December safety champion, Joseph Satterfield

Safety Champion – Joseph Satterfield

December 31, 2023
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The Safety Champion for the month of December is Joseph Satterfield! Joseph was nominated for utilizing the required PPE in his work area, which prevented a more serious injury from occurring. Thank you for promoting safe work habits, Joseph!

RBI's Employee Safety Breakfast

Safety Breakfast

December 20, 2023
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Our last safety breakfast training event of 2023 brought together our team members to learn all about fall protection. Thank you to all the RBI employees who came out to participate and help reinforce our commitment to working safely. We look forward to more training opportunities with our team in 2024!

RBI in the Community - United Way Campaign

2023 United Way Campaign

December 15, 2023

Thank you to all our employees who helped support this year’s United Way campaign! Thanks to your help, we surpassed our initial fundraising goal and raised a grand total of $3,913! We sincerely appreciate every single employee who participated in this campaign, including those who helped with raffle ticket sales.   We also want to…

RBI's Service Team Appreciation Breakfast

2023 Service Breakfast

December 14, 2023
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We had a great time celebrating with everyone at our annual Service Team Appreciation Breakfast! The event was a great opportunity for us to recognize the entire RBI service team for their tremendous efforts and contributions during the year.   A special thank you to all our Comfort Systems USA guests who joined us, and…

RBI's Top Dog Winner with the JMU mascot on JMU's football field.

November 2023 Top Dog

December 1, 2023
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We had a great time at the James Madison University football game with Top Dog experience winner, Bradley McCabe! Bradley got to experience a very special day behind the scenes with JMU Sports, met some of his favorite players, took a grand tour of the sports facilities, and received a bunch of JMU and RBI…

Andy Ritchie, November Safety Champion

Safety Champion – Andy Ritchie

November 30, 2023
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The Safety Champion for the month of November is Andy Ritchie!  Andy was nominated for performing his 5×5 and identifying a steam leak that was unsafe to work on. Thanks to his quick thinking, he was able to utilize stop work authority to ensure his work area was safe before continuing. Great job Andy!

Apprentice Spotlight – Adam Hill

November 12, 2023
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We’re proud to partner with local institutions to offer internships and trade apprenticeships to students to help further their careers. We’d like to spotlight one of those students on our team, Adam Hill!

Employee Spotlight: Ronald Miller

Employee Spotlight – Ronald Miller

November 10, 2023
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Today we’d like to spotlight one of our Plumbing Technicians, Ronald Miller, as he approaches his 23rd year at RBI! Despite having the title of Plumbing Technician, he completed an HVAC Apprenticeship during his time here and is cross-trained in HVAC as well. Thank you, Ronald, for your hard work and congratulations on 23 years!